streda 8. augusta 2012

Plastiky v Bardejovských kúpeľoch

Fotografie som urobil v Bardejovských kúpeľoch v apríli 2012

Sculptures in Bardejovske kupele
I took these photos in Bardejovske kupele in April 2012

Plastika ženy s dieťaťom
A sculpcture of a woman with a child
Plastika ženy
A sculpcture of a woman
Plastika muža
A sculpcture of a man
Plasatika ženy
A sculpcture of a woman
Plastika ženy s píšťalou
A sculpcture of a woman with a pipe
Plastika muža
A sculpcture of a man
Plastika ženy
A sculpcture of a woman
Plastika starca
A sculpcture of a elderly man
Plastika muža
A sculpcture of a man
Plastika ženy s kúpeľným pohárom
A sculpcture of a woman with a spa cup
Plastiky žien
Sculpctures of women
Miroslav Janič: Malá princezna
Miroslav Janic: A little pricess
Miroslav Janič: Madona
Miroslav Janic: Madonna
Miroslav Janič: Jánošík
Miroslav Janic: Janosik
Miroslav Janič: Čert
Miroslav Janic: A devil
Miroslav Janič: Čakanka
Miroslav Janic: A waiting maid / a chicory
Miroslav Janič: Ježis je osúdený
Miroslav Janic: Jesus is condemned
Miroslav Janič: Valach
Miroslav Janic: A shepherd
Miroslav Janič: Šohaj
Miroslav Janic: A youth
Miroslav Janič: Náš národ
Miroslav Janic: Our nation
Plastika ženy v Kolonáde
A sculpture of a woman in the colonnade